MACA Maximum Allowable Construction Area

To determine the MACA (Maximum Allowable Construction Area) of your project you must first established the Maximum PSO or AMBF to arrived at your TOSL (Total Open Space within Lot) which you can find steps from these links Solving AMBF and PSO for a given Lot and Determining the Open Spaces of Lot (TOSL)

MACA (Maximum Allowable Construction Area)
PSOmax + ISAmax

Thus MACA can be computed with the following formula:

MACA=PSOmax + ISAmax

To get the equivalent sqm (square meters) from your computed MACA percentage, simply multiply to your TLA (Total Lot Area).

Say you have a MACA of 85% and a TLA of 301sqm

MACAsqm=0.85 x 301 you get 255.85sqm

More or less it is the combined allowed footprint for construction plus any open space that requires construction development and applied with artificial materials such as concrete works.


Moving forward to help determine the Building Bulk (Volume) of your project you need to apply Table VII.G.1 with the recommended FLAR (Floor to Lot Area Ratio) to get the GFAmax (Gross Floor Area).

Just keep in mind that GFA only includes total floor space within the perimeter of permanent exterior walls including some building projections that serves as floors (e.g. balconies) except for covered driveways or parking,services/utilities, vertical penetrations in parking floors, uncovered areasfor helipads, roof deck/balconies exceeding 10sqm and basement floor intended solely for parking purposes.

FLAR Floor to Lot Area Ratio

Simply multiply the TLA with the given FLAR values in table above


Say you have TLA of  301sqm at R-1

GFAmax=301 x 1.50 you get 451.50sqm

Another floor area that would be needed would be your TGFA or the Total Gross Floor Area and can be computed in three options:

1. Method with the use of Table VII.G.2

Table VII.G.2 GFA to TGFA Conversion

Once you computed your GFAmax you simply refer to this table and get the multiplier to convert to TGFA easily.

To continue with sample above of GFAmax of 451.50sqm at R-1

TGFA=GFAmax x Multiplier

TGFA=451.50sqm x 1.50 you get 677.25sqm.

2. Second method is going back to your Table VII.1 where TGFA is computed by multiplying the AMBF (in % of TLA) to BHL (Building height Limit in number of storeys or floors) of Table VII.2

Table VII.1 TGFA




Table VII.G.2 BHL (Building Height Limit) Table

Table VII.G.2 BHL Building Height Limit
Number of floors/storeys

Say R-1 with 50% PSOmax anf TLA of 301sqm. with 3 floors as number of storey/floor in table

TGFA=0.50 x 301sqm x 3 you get 451.50sqm.

3. Method would simply adding your GFA to nonGFA less courts as shown:


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